Do you want to know what the experienced preppers know? Will you be ready when disaster strikes, or when TSHTF? Will your family be prepared or will they be another statistic? These are questions that you might want to ask yourself. By reading a couple of the top prepping books you can! With tons of information crammed into each of these handpicked books, you’ll start to understand the mindset of prepping. Prepping is more than just buying emergency food and supplies, it’s a way of life. There’s many aspects and disciplines to consider when it comes to protecting your home, loved ones, and life. Make sure that you continue to educate yourself and learn all that you can before you have to put that knowledge to use. I’ve compiled a list of the top prepping books online. I’m sure there are some that I’ve missed, so I’ll continue to add new ones that I feel need to be on this list. Feel free to suggest any other good reads that you may have come across. These prepping books are all great and in random order.
Top Prepping Books – The Short List
31 Days to Survival: A Complete Plan for Emergency Preparedness: This book gives you a step by step, or in this case a day by day guide to getting prepared. This approach makes it easy for anyone to follow, and will have you ready in just 31 days. It’s an absolute ” no brainer ” to have!
The Prepper’s Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster:This paperback book outlines many quick and easy things to do around your home no matter where you live. From Earthquakes on the west coast to Hurricanes in the southeast, this book has you covered.
Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family, 3rd Edition This prepping book breaks it down for Moms and Dads that want to prepare a family preparedness plan. With worksheets, photographs, tables, and illustrations for easy understanding, this book is a must to help protect your loved ones!
The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants This book is a “must have” for anyone that might find themselves in the outdoors and hungry. By easily identifying safe and edible plants and berries, you’ll have a better chance of surviving and providing essential nutrients for your body to keep it performing at its optimal level.
The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the This prepping book was written by Doctors and covers the life saving skills of first aid and emergency medicine when you don’t have any contact with professional medical help. You definitely need to know how to take care of your loved ones on the fly and without help. Acting quickly can make the difference between life and death.
Now that you realize that you can gain valuable and life saving knowledge by reading a few prepper books, you should do just that! Don’t wait until it’s too late! Most emergency situations that I’ve encountered didn’t notify me first. Take advantage of all the information that’s out there and made available to you. You want to be the person that knows what to do and can lead your friends and family to safety and survival. Take Action Today!!!